I made a Cleric class because Arnold's one was a little too complicated for my first time player.
The idea behind the Cleric is that you do a couple of big spells, rather than lots of small spells, like how a Wizard would. Mishaps are tied to number of spells, not the number of Magic Dice.
Now that I think about it, this class could be used to play a warlock just as easily as a cleric.
Starting Equipment: Prayer book, holy symbol, and your Patron's chosen tool/weapon.
B: Smite, Stolen Faith, 4 Words, 2 FD
C: Words of Power, 5 Words, 3 FD
D: Miracle, 6 Words, 4 FD
Divine Patron: You worship a Divine Patron. Your Patron has 6 words associated with it. You know 3 of them at level 1, and learn more as you level up. learn them as you level, starting at 3 and eventually learning all 6.
In AGAB, your Words are stored in your Mind Slots. For other systems, store them wherever a wizard would keep their spells. If you have more words than slots to keep them, keep the excess words in your Prayer book. It takes an hour to swap which words you have access to.
Faith Dice: You have Faith Dice (d6) equal to your Cleric level. Faith Dice (FD) return to your pool on a roll of 1-3, or by praying at dawn. You can combine any two Words you know (including any permutations or linking words) and “cast” them, investing FD to determine the strength of the result. Your GM determines the result, but you should write down your favorite combinations. The [sum] and number of [dice] determines the magnitude, duration, range, or anything else they normally do.
Ire: Bothering your Patron for spells too many times a day has consequences. Your first spell of the day always casts as normal, but for successive casts roll a d6 on the below table.
2nd: 1: cast but take d6 dmg. 2: spell fails to cast. 3-6: cast as normal.
3rd: 1-2: cast but take 2d6 dmg. 3: spell fails to cast. 4-6: cast as normal.
4th: 1-3: cast but take 3d6 dmg. 4: spell fails to cast. 5-6: cast as normal.
5th: 1-4: cast but take 4d6 dmg. 5: spell fails to cast. 6: cast as normal
Smite: You can expend FD to add to the damage of a melee attack. Must be with a blunt weapon. Does not invoke Ire.
Stolen Faith: When you defeat a cleric of a different Patron, gain one of their words. You may use it once.
Words of Power: You may cast spells using 1 or 3 words, not just 2.
Miracle: Once per day, cast a spell using as many Words as you like.
As Miracles use your Patron's FD instead of your own, the expenditure might not be approved if it doesn't align with their goals. Miracles are cast with as many FD as Words*2.
Channeling that much power is deals damage equal to ([sum]/2), but does not invoke Ire.
Miracle spells must sound decent.
Domain, Animal, Plant, Material, Element, Tool/Weapon, Verb, Emotion, and Misc.
Miracle spells must sound decent.
"Fire Crab Sword Earth Wheat Metal Blast!" is no good, and is not allowed.
“Burn the Sky, Salt the Earth, Pierce the Heart: Fish Storm!” is pretty good. It will use up pretty much all your Stolen Faith Words, and you’ll probably die, but it's doable. As for what the spell does, that's a damn good question.
Patron Words tend to be from the following categories:“Burn the Sky, Salt the Earth, Pierce the Heart: Fish Storm!” is pretty good. It will use up pretty much all your Stolen Faith Words, and you’ll probably die, but it's doable. As for what the spell does, that's a damn good question.
Cleric from Final Fantasy d20 |
Domain, Animal, Plant, Material, Element, Tool/Weapon, Verb, Emotion, and Misc.
A g*d of Harvest might have the Words: Harvest, Chicken, Grain, Earth, Scythe, and Seed.
A g*d of Birds might have: Bird, Air, Peck, Roost, Feather, and Song.
A g*d of the Depths might have: Depths, Dark, Crush, Water, Fish, and Sink.
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